Monday, February 28, 2011

#33. The Power Team

(We'll end the month with some powerful stuff! Thanks for reading and for linking to your friends!)

Remember that time when Elijah told Elisha, "Hey, watch me rip these yellow pages in half and see how awesome our God is?" No? Me either, because it obviously never happened. Not only because they didn't have yellow pages then, except maybe for actual paper that turned yellow, but also because Elijah was not part of The Power Team.

I know, my life is in danger by writing about them in a negative light. But I got to keep it real, son.

The Power Team consists of guys who are so muscular that it seems they did P90X, 90 times. Please read that sentence again. These guys go to your church, tear apart yellow pages, bend spoons or something like that and all this is supposed to make you wonder how awesome God is.

But actually, what everyone wonders is:

1-What is going on here?

2-Why are they so mad at a phone book?

3-What kind of steroids are they taking?

4-Does Jose Canseco know about this?

Have you seen their performances? Were you spiritually transformed? And if you're a member of The Power Team reading this, please don't beat me up.


  1. Haha... they are going to tear you like the yellow pages man.

  2. I sure hope not! I still want to get my 100 followers! Thanks for the comment!
