Friday, February 11, 2011

#21. Guest Speakers

Wouldn't it be amazing if someone could give you a call and alert you that your pastor wasn't going to show up next Sunday? One day, when I receive enough royalties from my books, I just may start a system like that. Kind of like a CIA for the church. (Feel free to use the CIA acronym to stand for something Christian)

I know we shouldn't care about the speaker and that our focus should be on the Word of God. But I'll be honest with you. If my pastor happened to be Francis Chan, then I would really be disappointed whenever we had a guest speaker. Of course, Francis Chan is no longer a pastor at Simi Valley so now I'm just mad all the time.

No, but seriously, I don't think it's such a bad idea to have people you look up to. Of course, we must be careful not to exalt those people, not to put them on a pedestal. But the Bible does tell us to respect and learn from each other. In fact, Paul even says, "imitate me as I imitate Christ."

I believe the goal of every Christian should be to live in a way that we can say that about ourselves.

How about you? Who are your role models?


  1. No, I haven't written books yet. But that's my dream, to be an author.

    And I agree, we have a lot of "idols" in our lives that we need to get rid off.

  2. That's awesome!
    That's what I want to do one day too -- write books. I have some ideas, but still praying about it.

    I wish you the best!
