Friday, February 4, 2011

#15. Dan Brown

If you open your Bible to the book of Revelation and then you flip it upside down, you'll see that 666 equals Dan Brown. Alright, I just made that up. But it's not much of an exaggeration. When The Da Vinci Code came out, almost every pastor in America went on the offensive. And I don't blame them, the book is certainly blasphemous.

But the popularity of the book also had a positive effect on believers; it made us dig deeper into what we belief and why. At least it made me stronger in my faith because it made me want to study apologetics. I was ready to defend the faith.

Of course, it was more fun to stand on a pulpit and burn the book, as some pastors did. If the church I attended had done something like that, I would have gone out and bought like a thousand copies. Wait, maybe that's why it became a worldwide bestseller. All the bonfires.

How did you react? How did your church react?

1 comment:

  1. LOL I never read it, and I never saw the movie that was made from it. I just never had any interest in it.
    However, I remember a similiar outburst over "The Passion of the Christ" - which, I might add, I enjoyed that movie immensely.
