Saturday, February 19, 2011

#27. Friending "God" on social media sites

I don't know if this is happening on Facebook, but I remember that when MySpace was cool, I once got a friend request from "God." I remember that the profile picture was taken from Michael Angelo's Sistine Chapel and that Mel Gibson was his favorite director.

This person, posing as the Almighty, was leaving encouraging messages on the pages of all his "friends." I don't remember if he identified with any particular religion, but he certainly (or she), was leaving "inspiring messages" all over MySpace. And no, I didn't friend him. I mean, who would think of doing such a thing?

Here are three questions I would ask to that person who posed as God on MySpace:

1-Would God really make a profile on MySpace?

First of all, discounting how ridiculous that is, God would know that MySpace had the lifespan of a fruit fly. Why would he even waste his time joining such a ridiculous and boring site?

2-How arrogant do you have to be to say you're "God" on MySpace?

That's a bold move sir. That's a bold move. You could have posed as Tom Cruise, or even Chuck Norris, but to pose as God? Come on man, if that's not blasphemy then I don't know what is.

3-Did you condemn me because I didn't friend you?

I'm sure that there are many people like me who thought you were a weirdo on a pride trip. What do you think of us who denied your friend request? Is there a list you kept? Did you take my name off of the book of "MySpace life?" Oh no, wait, I did that. I deleted my account when I realized that the site had become a haven for pedophiles and narcissists lunatics.

For shame sir, for shame.

1 comment:

  1. :)<--- that's all I have to say to this one. ah, and a LOL.
