Tuesday, February 15, 2011

#24. The guy who always gets hurt at the youth retreat

Remember that youth retreat when that crazy guy from church tried to jump across the 5 girls that were laying on the floor? You'll probably answer: Yeah, but which retreat?

There's always that one guy who takes thing to the next level. He's only real competition is himself, since no one else wants to play baseball without gloves. Yup, he's that hardcore. But to be honest, it's not really his fault. The youth pastor and leaders in charge of the retreat are the ones that come up with all these crazy competitions. And talking about competitions, how's that supposed to encourage Christian love?

I don't see anywhere in the Bible Paul telling Peter, "Hey, whoever gets to Rome last is a rotten egg!"

So, instead of all these crazy competitions, I propose certain ideas to try and unite the youth.

1-Build An Ark

Nothing says brotherly love more than having a bunch of teenagers running around with nails and hammers. The structure may not be safe to submerge in water, let alone move, but at least the teenagers would have bonded. However, you may be accused of forced child labor. Handle with care.

2-Texting Standoff

How is this biblical, you may ask? Easy, gather the most notorious texters in your group and challenge them to text 3 chapters of Leviticus. But here's the catch, they can't use abbreviations. Although to be honest, I don't think they can use many "lol's" when dealing with purification rituals. It's competitive at first, but they will bond after their fingers have typed 87 times "and the priest shall..."

3-Challenge other youth group

A common enemy is what brings people together. Ideally, we would be attacking spiritual forces, but teenagers don't see much fun in that. So, find a neighboring youth group and go egg their church mini-van. Oh, the battle is on.

Do you have any more ideas? How else can a youth group bond and avoid any accidents?

1 comment:

  1. You're crazyyy! This was hilarious.
    Unfortunately, IIIII was the one that was always getting hurt, not the guys.


    ...such is life.
