Monday, February 7, 2011

#17. A Small Family

It may be ideal for the average American to have about 2.5 kids (Btw, I never understood the ".5" part. Does that mean half a kid?). But for the Christian American, if you don't have 6.5 kids, then you're borderline heathen. ( I guess this post is for the most conservative of us)

Seriously, a large family is expected. After the pastor pronounces you husband and wife, then you're expected to deliver results the following year. It's crazy. However, I don't think my wife is very excited about having six kids. The most I could probably push for is three, and that may be after some serious talk about the importance of the number three in the Bible.

Of course, all the kids must have biblical names. The weirder the better. We got to make people spend some time on google searching for the meaning of each one. And just for your information, this would be the list of the ideal names:


I'm definitely going to have a hard time convincing my wife on any of those!


  1. haha! This was great. I used to go to a church where 85% of the families had anywhere between 6 and 13 children... EACH family!
    My family was the odd bunch because there was only 2 kids. Meh, we had a happy life. :]
    Not to mention it was God's will.

  2. Hey, thanks for always reading! And yeah, I think my wife and I will end up being the odd bunch for sure!

  3. Hey! Send me an e-mail at:
    growup318 {at} gmail {dot} com
    I have a question for you.:]
