Saturday, February 26, 2011

#32. When someone pulls out the "G" card

Every once in a while someone will pull out the "G" card and they're serious about it.

My wife: I wonder why water is so good for you. You know? Maybe the composition of the elements? Why do you think it's so good, honey?

Me: Because God made it!!

I could have said, "Booya!" at the end of that statement. I was joking with my wife, of course. Yes, God did create water and everything else we see, but she wasn't asking me about that. She just wanted to know my thoughts on the elements that make water so healthy, so necessary.

The reason I answered her like that was because we had recently spoken of someone pulling the God card on me. And they meant it. In other words, you're having a regular conversation with other fellow believers and you have a genuine question that can be answered with the reasoning of your created mind, but instead someone throws out the "G" card.

Example 1:

Me: I lost my wallet. Have you seen it?

Friend: Seek first the kingdom of God!

Me: What?

Example 2:

Me: I'm concerned with the suffering of those orphans we heard about yesterday. We've got to do something.

Friend: But God wins in the end!

Me: Why are you doing this to me?

Obviously, as a Christian I know that God wins in the end, but those orphans need our help today. That was just really unnecessary and kind of a jerk thing to say. Have you had a similar experience before?

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