Sunday, January 23, 2011

#7. Halloween

How do you stop kids from going around asking for candy? I mean, it's free candy. That's a pretty good deal. Now, there are many reasons both to support and to denounce Halloween, but on the majority, most Christians just try and pretend the day doesn't exist.

"What's that son? Oh no, October only has 30 days."

Okay, perhaps it's not that drastic, but you know what I mean. However, there's a small camp that is rising up to the challenge. What are they doing? Well, on the same day as Halloween these churches are having something called, October Fest or Fall Fest. And yes, you can go dressed up in costumes and you also get candy.

Hmm, October 31, costumes and candy...Fall Fest? I think not.

Look if you don't want to celebrate Halloween that's fine, but don't try and come up with a fake activity to disguise your love for candy. Just be real man, be real.

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