Sunday, January 16, 2011

#3. Jehovah's Witnesses Knocking at Your Door

The "Email Surveillance" episode of The Office opens with a man in a turban making his way up to the office. Michael Scott, the manager, freaks out:

Michael: Alright everybody, lock the doors, turn off the lights. Pretend you're not here.
Jim: Are we in danger?
Michael: There's no time to think about it. This is real! Just shh, everybody.

And that's pretty much how we treat Jehovah's Witnesses when they approach our doors, as if a presumed terrorist is coming over to ask us to borrow some sugar. Granted, I know sometimes the JW's come a little early, but they mean well. They're just misguided. Maybe, just maybe a Christian can schedule a meeting with them and share the Gospel.

Of course, if you are going to share the gospel, please study the Word. Make sure you know which points the JW's stumble upon so you can correct the error of their ways, with love, of course.

And please, please, don't answer your door with a bad attitude, or with a super soaker water gun. Thank you.

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