Saturday, January 15, 2011

#1. Really Long Sermons

Okay, before you begin your judgment, or saying, "you're just ripping off Stuff Christians Like," let me just say that yes, I am. The same way SCL started as a spin off of Stuff White People Like, I'm starting this blog with the same concept. Except, of course, this is about stuff that Christians don't like.
For instance, there's really long sermons. Once 11 o'clock hits, your body almost automatically jolts out of the seat. It's like someone lit your chair on fire (Pastors you may prepare a sermon on the lake of fire and leaving church early). Even the friend you dragged to church is confused by your automated convulsion.
"And now we'll dwell deep in to the Greek text," by that line, you're dwelling deep in your mini-van already. Your friend may not make it with you. Hey, but that's understandable. Some get left behind!


  1. Did you know there's also a site out there called Stuff Fundies Like...? Basically, it's a site that rips Fundamentalists to pieces - but hey, whatever floats the author's boat. lol
    Here's the link if you're interested.

  2. Ha. look what I just found:
