Wednesday, May 4, 2011

#50. People who don't like C.S. Lewis

If you have a profile on Facebook, have a Twitter, or a blog and you never once have quoted C.S. Lewis, repent now and go on a binge of quoting him. Seriously, do it now, and then come back and finish this post.

Finished? Okay, now that you're one of us, you can read the rest of this entry.

People who actually don't like C.S. Lewis must not like chocolate, honey nor rainbows. They must hate smiling, spending quality time with good friends and family, and they probably hate children too. It sounds like I'm describing Hitler, but it may well be your next door neighbor, because not liking C.S. Lewis equals all those things I've described.

But as the Bible, and C.S. Lewis I might add, would say, we need to love our neighbor. So, in order to show love to your neighbor, I've come up with a plan to encourage their growth and respect for C.S. Lewis, thus their love for all things good and sweet. Every week, evaluate their status updates on Facebook, Twitter, Blogger and any other social media outlet. Don't expect them to say they love C.S. Lewis right away, but instead, look for a gradual increase of their love. Below, are some examples of status updates to look for:

1-"I love Narnia!"
2-"I'm a Christian, so I love C.S. Lewis"
3-"I was born in Narnia."
4-"I really love the land of Middle Earth" (Tolkien references are accepted)
5-"The Return of the King is my favorite C.S. Lewis book."
6-"I've never read Mere Christianity, but I'm no mere Christian."
7-"Every day I hide in my wardrobe for two hours thinking of Narnia."
8-"My t-shirt reads, 'Team Aslam'"
9-"The Chronicles of Narnia are my favorite chronicle."
10-"The Screwtape Letters are the best letters I've read, strangest too."
11-"To be or not to be - C.S. Lewis." (This is borderline acceptable)
12-"Narnia is a sate of mind."

Can you think of anything else to encourage and love your neighbor? Do you know anyone who doesn't like C.S. Lewis? Send them this link!

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