Wednesday, March 2, 2011

#35. People who pretend they don't watch TV, but secretly do

Have you ever felt judged because you watch television? Not too much television, but just because you own a TV? It happens, my friends, it happens. It can be subtle at times, but other times it's just plain blunt.

Me: Hey, did you see The Office last night?

Bob: What is The Office?

Me: Are we on Jeopardy? Just kidding. Hmm, the office is a TV sitcom. It's really funny.

Bob: I don't watch TV. I spend most of my time reading or in silent meditation. Many times I'm praying for people like you who give away so much time to the consumer-driven culture of our time.

Me: A simple no would have sufficed.

What usually follows that kind of exchange is this: The following week, you stop by Bob's house without announcing it. Maybe you're friends with his roommate or something like that. When you walk in, expecting to find Bob in the Lotus position, you find him glued to the couch in front of a 52" plasma TV with a Bose surround sound system.

It turns out that Bob was just a poser.

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